Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Annual Christmas Party!

 Just had our annual Christmas Party and it was good fun!(despite the horrible rainy day) I must say, from thinking of what I'm going to wear, to getting to the venue and actually getting that first glass of prosecco. It must have been a long time since I did any kind of socializing, to actually look forward to this one. The food was a bit disappointing and almost everyone found it tasteless however the band and the dancing was good. Made even better by observing all your tipsy colleagues who had enough drinks and feels uninhibited enough to actually not realise that they're making Muppet's out of themselves, yours truly included of course! Going to a night club afterwards is reminiscent of the good old days when the horrid smell of alcohol and sweat mixed together in a basement did not seem to faze me. Throw in all the young lads who keeps eyeing or otherwise chatting you up and "Happy Days" it actually feels like I'm in my twenties again for a short period of time. The sleeplessness and the alcohol sweats because you knew you had too much, instantly brings you back to earth and makes you realise that "yes, my dear, sadly you are not in your twenties no more!"

 So, I just finished most of my tasks and its nice and quiet in the lobby. Just thinking about the last couple of days and how people just kept on moaning about stuff. You know, stuff that did not happen, stuff that happened because of someone, boss stuff, stuff that's getting on the way of other stuff. It just feels like everything is spiralling into this big snowball of unhappy stuff! Anyway, when energy like this goes around its usually contagious and once people start on a roll, you might as well roll with them cause there really is no way of getting around it. The good news is that it has a beginning and an end and I have a feeling that its ending soon. So, we look forward to when the good stuff starts rolling!

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